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用户3665759 2015-4-23 21:41
Managing data in the age of ubiquitous connectivity
For as long as there have been computers, companies have employed networks to monitor, update and fix the software that runs on them. Witness deskt ...
用户3665759 2015-3-12 22:29
Simplifying the creation of MCU software requirements
At the recent Embedded World, embedded tool startup Argosim introduced its STIMULUS verification tool for modeling and simulation of a design's s ...
用户3665759 2015-2-27 21:04
Why IoT in the home is a security Frankenbeast
In a recently released study , Hewlett Packard's Fortity on Demand research team reports that the Internet of Things in the home is not just insec ...
用户3665759 2015-2-27 20:56
Broadening the reach of the USB spec
The Universal Serial Bus (USB), an industry standard developed in the mid-1990s, certainly lays to rest the stereotype that almost anything designe ...
用户3665759 2015-1-22 19:16
A look at the many names of IoT
Every time I reflect on the ubiquitously connected environment in which all of us and our ‘things’ now exist -- and the names we use to describe ...
用户3665759 2015-1-22 19:15
The evolution of the term Internet of Things
Each time I think about the ubiquitously connected landscape in which all of us and our ‘things’ now exist -- and the names we use to describe it ...
用户3665759 2014-12-2 18:48
C language programming for the 21st century
In the continually changing world of embedded systems design in the era of ubiquitous connectivity, where no device is an island unto itself, one t ...
用户3665759 2014-10-16 16:28
Managing jitter in a ubiquitously connected environment
The issue of jitter and how to deal with it in all its forms--clock, phase, and timing, among others--is a constant in an embedded developer's life ...
用户3665759 2014-9-18 17:44
Tackling the risks of software/hardware homogeneity
I have long been worried about the security dangers of the computer industry's increasing reliance on common development tools, hardware architectu ...
用户3665759 2014-9-18 17:39
The perils of software/hardware homogeneity
At last, there is someone--several someones, in fact--as concerned as I have been about the security dangers of the computer industry's increasing ...
用户3665759 2014-8-20 18:56
The worsening security of the IoT
HP Security Research has recently reported on the state of security on the many wireless sensor, machine-to-machine networks that make up the I ...
用户3665759 2014-8-20 18:53
How secure is the IoT?
HP Security Research has just released a report on the state of security on the many wireless sensor, machine-to-machine networks that make up ...
用户3665759 2014-7-24 13:19
Debug issues of networked embedded designs
Software development and debug are becoming increasingly complex due to the pervasive connectivity that embedded systems developers must now in ...
用户3665759 2014-6-17 19:52
Incorporating sensor fusion into embedded designs
The management of sensor inputs has become highly important as embedded wireless devices and mobile platform applications become more sophisticated ...
用户3665759 2014-6-5 21:23
NXP joins the audio jack connection
In 2010, students and staff at the University of Michigan devised a way for the audio jack on almost any smartphone, mobile phone, MP3 player/recor ...
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