In 2010, University of Michigan students and staff developed a means to use the audio jack on almost any smartphone, mobile phone, MP3 player/recor ...
An advanced pill box brings together wireless M2M and IoT as well as mobile phones in a service that not only people who take regular medications w ...
An automated pill dispenser brings together wireless M2M and IoT as well as mobile phones in a service that not only people who take regular medica ...
At the very start of my professional life in electronics, I worked at the California Institute of Technology where I noticed that it took the staff ...
The market for more sophisticated health and medical appliances proved to be counter-cyclic to the economy, which is only slowly regaining its mome ...
The traditional desktop PC of the 1980s and 1990s was built around a standard bus architecture - first IBM's PC ATbus and then Intel's Periperial C ...
The traditional desktop PC of the 1980s and 1990s has several strengths. One of those was that it was built around a standard bus architecture - fi ...
About a year ago, when people started discussing the impact the emerging Internet of Things would have on existing industrial control networks, one ...
8- and 16bit microcontrollers currently rule the market for connectivity to wirelessly untethered embedded devices and sensors ( i.e., the Internet ...
At present, 8- and 16bit microcontrollers dominate the market for connectivity to wirelessly untethered embedded devices and sensors ( i.e., the In ...