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用户3665759 2014-6-5 21:22
NXP utilises audio jack to connect to IoT sensors
In 2010, University of Michigan students and staff developed a means to use the audio jack on almost any smartphone, mobile phone, MP3 player/recor ...
用户3665759 2014-5-23 20:18
Pill dispenser monitors medication usage
An advanced pill box brings together wireless M2M and IoT as well as mobile phones in a service that not only people who take regular medications w ...
用户3665759 2014-5-23 20:16
Pill dispenser sends medication reminders
An automated pill dispenser brings together wireless M2M and IoT as well as mobile phones in a service that not only people who take regular medica ...
用户3665759 2014-5-7 22:07
MCU design implementation details made simple
At the very start of my professional life in electronics, I worked at the California Institute of Technology where I noticed that it took the staff ...
用户3665759 2014-4-25 16:15
Addressing new medical device design challenges
The market for more sophisticated health and medical appliances proved to be counter-cyclic to the economy, which is only slowly regaining its mome ...
用户3665759 2014-4-24 19:26
Managing the ghosts in nextgen embedded designs
In the article " The Ghosts in our Machines" , Jack Ganssle tackles the issues that have always been a part of the embedded engineer’s life. ...
用户3665759 2014-4-23 19:14
The "anything machine" is here again
The traditional desktop PC of the 1980s and 1990s was built around a standard bus architecture - first IBM's PC ATbus and then Intel's Periperial C ...
用户3665759 2014-4-23 18:26
Google resurrects the "anything machine"
The traditional desktop PC of the 1980s and 1990s has several strengths. One of those was that it was built around a standard bus architecture - fi ...
用户3665759 2014-4-15 18:18
ARM transitions to open source LLVM compiler
About 10 years ago, Apple shifted to its use and hired one of the programmers behind its creation. Now, ARM Ltd has also made the move in its tool ...
用户3665759 2014-4-15 18:16
ARM shifts to open source LLVM compiler
ARM Ltd has recently made the move in its tool chain to the use of the open source—but misnamed—Low Level Virtual Machine compiler (LLVM) and its ...
用户3665759 2014-4-3 19:00
Industrial IoT development made easy
About a year ago, when people started discussing the impact the emerging Internet of Things would have on existing industrial control networks, one ...
用户3665759 2014-2-28 19:48
Algorithm boosts motor control efficiency
Here's a development that—if true—will likely gain the interest of motor control engineers and software developers in everything from industrial ...
用户3665759 2014-2-28 19:42
An algorithm that makes motor control more efficient
I've just learned about a development that—if true—will likely catch the eye of motor control engineers and software developers in everything fro ...
用户3665759 2014-1-15 18:27
ARM's arch-rival on the Internet of Things
8- and 16bit microcontrollers currently rule the market for connectivity to wirelessly untethered embedded devices and sensors ( i.e., the Internet ...
用户3665759 2014-1-15 18:26
The 8051: ARM's nemesis on IoT space?
At present, 8- and 16bit microcontrollers dominate the market for connectivity to wirelessly untethered embedded devices and sensors ( i.e., the In ...
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