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用户3665759 2013-6-21 18:52
What's in store for PCIe interconnect bus?
Looking at the range of recent news, product introductions, design and technical articles, it is hard to believe there was once a time when there w ...
用户3665759 2013-6-4 19:49
The on-going biography of Kalman filters
One of my favourite new books is " The Information ", James Gleick's new opus. I frequently go back to this book, which is about information theory ...
用户3665759 2013-6-4 19:48
The biography of Kalman algorithm
One of my favourite new books and one I frequently go back to is James Gleick's new opus titled " The Information ". It is about information theory ...
用户3665759 2013-5-16 09:59
The many roads to safe, reliable firmware dev't
We often see materials regarding MISRA C/C++ standard. The reason we have continued to focus so much on this standard is that the need for such a d ...
用户3665759 2013-3-12 21:18
Q & A: Side-channel attacks in the wireless realm
Note : As the Spring 2013 Embedded Systems Conference at DESIGN West is only weeks away, I recently had a chance to talk with Pankaj Rohatgi, t ...
用户3665759 2013-3-5 19:22
Who'll win the consumer video codec war?
For most of its existence (since the late 1990s), the H.264 video coder specification ( aka MPEG 4, class 10 ) has been the video codec compression ...
用户3665759 2013-2-26 20:41
Is Ada prepped for mainstream embedded designs?
In a recent column , Jack Ganssle enthusiastically greets the arrival of Ada 2012 because it incorporates features and capabilities that he has be ...
用户3665759 2013-2-14 21:16
Deterministic networking to go mainstream?
Before the Internet began turning into a means of distributing mass entertainment and infotainment, there was once a clear delineation between two ...
用户3665759 2013-2-8 19:38
Creating visionary mobile and embedded designs
In the latter part of 1990s—just about the time the IPv6 upgrade of the Internet Protocol was made available—a set of software tools algorithms f ...
用户3665759 2013-1-29 19:03
UI design: Throwing out the baby with the bathwater
At the recent 2013 Consumer Electronics Show and at previous ESC DESIGN shows, I have seen the radical impact of new human-machine technologies on ...
用户3665759 2013-1-17 22:13
Significance of embedded systems to consumer electronics
Those who attended the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in the US a few weeks go, or followed it closely on the web or TV, would find the follo ...
用户3665759 2013-1-17 22:09
The secret weapon of consumer electronics
If you attended the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in the US a few weeks go or were following it closely on the web or TV, here is a question ...
用户3665759 2013-1-15 19:35
High-speed serial links are here for good
Less than a decade ago, parallel buses were king and they were the primary means of moving information between systems, within systems and boards, ...
用户3665759 2013-1-3 22:23
What Linus Torvalds has done
Linux has progressed significantly since Linus Torvalds created and released it as an open source operating system (OS) 20 years ago. It is now use ...
用户3665759 2013-1-3 22:20
The work of Linus Torvalds
Linux has come a long way since Linus Torvalds developed and released it as an open source operating system (OS) 20 years ago. It is now used in al ...
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