2011-7-29 14:01
A review of Debugging by David Agans
The usual subjects of a book review are new releases. I will not be doing that, though as one of these days I want to review De Architectura by Ma ...
2011-7-26 23:30
Waging a war against counterfeits
The aircraft industry is staunchly fighting counterfeits. A critical bolt, for instance, may have to be expensively certified to meet a particular ...
2011-7-26 23:14
An important rule of UI design
There are many of ways of measuring distance. It can be miles, kilometers, degrees of longitude. A friend told me Bermuda is 1431 songs from Norfol ...
2011-7-22 22:29
On using metrics
My good friend George Dinwiddie keeps a blog about software development, and one of his recent postings got me particularly interested. In ...
2011-7-22 08:57
Enslaving oscilloscopes
Here's a quote from Book 1, section IV of Aristotle's Politics , as translated by Benjamin Jowett: And so, in the arrangement of the family, ...
2011-7-21 23:36
The issue with static analysers
I went to the Embedded Systems Conference in Silicon Valley a few months ago,. There I had the chance to meet various vendors of static analysers. ...
2011-7-21 23:33
Light bulbs with IP addresses
About 14 years ago, I wrote a piece about a toaster that could be connected to the Internet. That article was entirely a joke, a riff on the 'net m ...
2011-7-20 12:56
An unsually compelling ESC
You could rarely find a paleontologist at the Embedded Systems Show. Seeing two at a single booth would be even more unusual. At the premier venue ...
2011-7-20 12:17
Wind River turns 30
The year was 1981. Motorola shipped the 68000 and Intel the 8086. The most common then were eight bit processors; while the 8051 was in production ...
2011-7-18 23:43
What the engineering salary survey says
In April this year, EE Times conducted a salary/career survey, which revealed some interesting data. Embedded systems are the ugly stepchild of the ...
2011-7-18 23:40
A good book on debugging
Most book reviewers usually just discuss new releases. I am not one of those, though as one of these days I want to review De Architectura by Marc ...
2011-7-14 22:38
Some highlights of the Spring ESC
The recent Embedded Systems Conference (ESC) had an extraordinarily interesting mix of vendors. Some I'll feature later – like the intriguing new ...
2011-7-14 22:24
Attacking cars
A notable study ( "Experimental Security Analysis of a Modern Automobile" ) by a cast of thousands indicates that at least some modern cars can b ...
2011-7-13 23:04
The fight against counterfeits
The aircraft industry is waging a war against counterfeit parts. A critical bolt, for instance, may have to be expensively certified to meet a part ...
2011-7-11 00:27
Of slaves and oscilloscopes
If our work will be done by robots, what will happen to us? And a tiny oscilloscope sparks the imagination. And so, in the arrangement of the ...