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用户3671694 2011-6-9 18:04
Forgettable Flash
How long will a flash device remember?   We all know about wearing flash out through excessive writes. Plenty of wear-leveling approaches mi ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 18:04
Securing Keys, DRAMs and Freeze-Mist
In one of the more interesting articles in the Communications of the ACM in recent years, Halderman and a cast of thousands write in the May, 2009, ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 18:03
What makes embedded different?
Pediatricians treat children. Gerontologists work with the aging. Both practice medicine, but their skills are very different.   The mechani ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 18:03
The Death of Software Engineering?
Alert reader Bob Paddock sent a link to Tom DeMarco's article in IEEE Software: "Software Engineering: An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone". Though ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 18:03
Thanks for the memories
If each of our hands had eight fingers, we'd count in hexadecimal and non-geeks wouldn't puzzle over numbers that include the letters A through F. B ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 18:02
Age Discrimination in Hiring
When I was a teenager my dad ran a help-wanted ad. He was trying to hire an engineer, and in the ad had placed the phrase "this is a great opportuni ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 18:02
Developing a good bedside manner
Why are debugging code and alien abduction so similar? Because in both cases large blocks of time are unaccounted for.   Medicine, too, rese ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 18:02
EMI and ESD—The Ghost in our Machines
Several readers sent me this link to an article about a stove that gets turned on when a nearby cellphone rings. On other sites on the 'net that r ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 18:01
The use of assertions
There are things we are supposed to do that we don't. Exercise. Avoiding fast foods. Use the assert() macro. Exercise is a real pain that requires ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 18:01
Programming quotations
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?   Those words ring with Shakespearian power. Hamlet ? King Lear ? Actually, t ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 18:00
Sharpening the Saw
We had three large black oaks taken down last year. For some time I tried to convince myself that we could fell them but wise wife talked me out of ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 18:00
Software License Agreements
Maybe it was a slow news day then. I was installing a tool chain and actually read the end user license agreement (EULA), always a bad idea unless o ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 17:59
Hardware Testing
Does your hardware work?   One of the most fascinating aspects of embedded development is that we're working in two very distinct camps: the ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 17:58
Executing software contracts
Almost a decade ago a number of static analyzers began to appear in the market. A number of such products exist now, including those from Coverity, ...
用户3671694 2011-6-9 17:57
Why did you become an Engineer?
There's a mildly interesting article on the EETimes site titled: "What made you become an EE?" about getting kids into engineering.   There ...
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