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用户3671694 2011-7-11 00:24
The hazards of GPS
Here's a quote from Uncle Ben in Spiderman: "With great power comes great responsibility" . Others from Jesus onwards have made the same point. ...
用户3671694 2011-7-8 12:40
Writing when making software
A quote from Donald E. Knuth : " Let us change our traditional attitude to the construction of programs: Instead of imagining that our main ...
用户3671694 2011-7-8 12:37
The trouble with static analyzers
At the Embedded Systems Conference in Silicon Valley a few months ago, I had the chance to talk to various vendors of static analyzers. These are t ...
用户3671694 2011-7-6 00:09
15 critical bugs away from being ready
Based a story on Internet.com's eCRM Guide , a content management system called Drupal has previously had serious delivery delays due to bug infes ...
用户3671694 2011-7-6 00:04
Fun and wild activities at the ESC
It's quite rare to find a paleontologist at the Embedded Systems Show. It's even more unusual to find two at a single booth. At the premier venue o ...
用户3671694 2011-7-3 23:18
Engineering salary survey shows cultural differences
Last April, EE Times completed a salary/career survey, which has some interesting data. Embedded systems are the ugly stepchild of the computer wor ...
用户3671694 2011-7-3 23:02
Watchdogs revisited (Part 2)
ARM supplies a bewildering array of debugging IP, including a macrocell that sends trace data out just two pins. The so-called Program F ...
用户3671694 2011-6-29 11:39
Watchdogs revisited (Part 1)
Almost a decade ago I wrote a series of three articles about watchdog timers (WDT). At the time, it was my argument that most WDTs were poorly desi ...
用户3671694 2011-6-29 11:35
Checking out new scopes
What is a pHz? According to Wikipedia, pHz stands for "picohertz," or 10-12Hz. fHz is "femptohertz"—three orders of magnitude smaller. A 1-fHz sig ...
用户3671694 2011-6-28 12:16
Determinism & system reliability
The point of engineering is to design and build predictably reliable systems. Most firmware engineers, though, do not value the role of determinism ...
用户3671694 2011-6-28 12:12
Hacking a car?
An interesting study ( "Experimental Security Analysis of a Modern Automobile" ) by a cast of thousands illustrates that at least some modern car ...
用户3671694 2011-6-27 18:03
The dangers of GPS
Here's a quote from Uncle Ben in Spiderman: "With great power comes great responsibility" . Others from Jesus onwards have made the same point. ...
用户3671694 2011-6-27 17:51
Selecting a development platform
A few months ago, I related my experience in switching to a Mac laptop after  years of using Windows portable machines. In the following months I' ...
用户3671694 2011-6-26 10:15
Where is Linux going?
Charles Manning, a frequent correspondent, has been wondering where Linux/Android is all going. I barely know either, but I can speculate.   ...
用户3671694 2011-6-26 10:15
Is Linux the future?
Charles Manning, a frequent correspondent, has been thinking about the Linux/Android market, and wonders where it is all going. I hardly know as we ...
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