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用户3671694 2011-12-22 17:58
Apps that turn us into sociopaths
Text messaging has been dubbed as a killer app, and indeed it is, when one uses it behind the wheel. It seems developers are continuing to build ap ...
用户3671694 2011-12-16 17:13
Android users deprived of updates
In one of the recent posts in his site The Understatement , Michael Degusta says that many Android phones, even some actively for sale today, gene ...
用户3671694 2011-12-6 10:31
How microprocessors change the world (Part 1)
Here's a quote from Bjarne Stroustrup: I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true. ...
用户3671694 2011-11-23 18:37
Embedded design getting dumbed down
Ron Wilson, a columnist for ESD Magazine, reports in the July/August issue of the magazine that there's a feeling that virtually all embedded appli ...
用户3671694 2011-11-23 17:56
A look at Xilinx's amazing Virtex-7 2000T FPGAs
In the "Holy Crap What's Next?" department, Xilinx recently launched a new FPGA. Yawn, right? Well, this device is pretty amazing. Comprisin ...
用户3671694 2011-11-9 10:57
How vampire sucks power
I've Googled extensively trying to look for credible numbers that tell how much power is wasted in wall-warts that are plugged in but not connected ...
用户3671694 2011-11-8 10:48
A look at the semiconductor revolution (Part 2)
  The market for computers remained relatively small till the PDP-8 brought prices to a more reasonable level, but the match of minis ...
用户3671694 2011-11-8 10:44
A look at the semiconductor revolution (Part 1)
Here's quote from Pat Gelsinger, Intel, 2002: "We're on track, by 2010, for 30GHz devices, 10nm or less, delivering a tera-instruction of ...
用户3671694 2011-11-3 15:13
Puddle of gates better than sea of gates?
For PR people, the holy grail is to get some reference to their latest widget in print, or at least in webized bits. So at every Embedded Systems C ...
用户3671694 2011-10-14 08:52
Evaluating the price of tools
I was having a chat with John Carbone at the Boston ESC about tools. John's company, Express Logic, sells a real-time operating system and associat ...
用户3671694 2011-10-5 17:35
Milestones in eletronics: From light bulbs to computers
Here's a quote from Popular Mechanics , 1949: Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, comp ...
用户3671694 2011-9-27 21:48
Goodbye, Tony Sale
The breaking of the German's codes was the best-kept secret of World War II. The wizards at Bletchley Park in the UK found out how to read messag ...
用户3671694 2011-9-7 22:11
The return of Heathkit
Reader George Farmer informed me that Heathkit will once again begin selling electronics kits. Heathkit was once widely known as a – or perhaps t ...
用户3671694 2011-9-7 22:09
Heathkit makes a comeback
Reader George Farmer notified me that Heathkit will resume selling electronics kits. Heathkit was once widely known as a – or perhaps the – pur ...
用户3671694 2011-9-2 20:21
The microprocessor at 40 - The dawn of electronics (Part 2)
It's difficult to track down the history of the resistor, but Georg Ohm published his findings that we now understand as Ohm's Law in 1827. So the ...
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