It may be easy to brush C off as a super-assembly language, but it's actually quite rich, expressive and it has some dark holes that elude too many ...
James Kwak, a law professor and not a software engineer, recently wrote a piece that is making waves in the blogosphere with the alarmist title " S ...
Some time ago, hardware people designed all of their circuits. But in the vacuum tube days some wise engineer created modules. An example was a dua ...
A long time ago, hardware people designed all of their circuits. But in the vacuum tube days some wise engineer created modules. An example was a d ...
Recently, an engineer sent me a collection of emails between himself and the support desk of a large test equipment provider. He had identified a b ...
Mike Barr recently wrote an article wherein he predicted that 32 bit processors will eventually beat or match 8 bitters. I well remember meeting wi ...
In a recent article, Mike Barr predicts that 32 bit processors will eventually beat or match 8 bitters. I well remember meeting with an analyst aro ...
I'm a tool guy. Be it a piston ring compressor, a roaring planer or a decent IDE I've always bought the best I could afford. Actually, "always" isn ...
In 1992 I participated in OSTAR. It is a single-handed sailboat race from the UK to Newport, Rhode Island organized every four years by the Royal W ...
The product line card of Microchip is more a telephone book than a card. Like so many other vendors they offer hundreds of variants of their proces ...