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用户3671694 2011-4-13 20:12
Sharpening the saw
We had three large black oaks taken down last year. For some time I tried to convince myself that we could fell them but wise wife talked me out o ...
用户3671694 2011-4-11 16:55
Making "Software Engineering" Engineering
Michael Linden alerted me to an article in Dr. Dobbs website wherein the author expounds on the hopes of a significant group of well-known people ...
用户3671694 2011-4-10 21:01
Programming quotations
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?   Those words ring with Shakespearian power. Hamlet ? King Lear ? Actually, t ...
用户3671694 2011-4-8 16:12
The use of assertions
There are things we are supposed to do that we don't. Exercise. Avoiding fast foods. Use the assert() macro. Exercise is a real pain that requires ...
用户3671694 2011-4-6 21:19
EMI and ESD—The Ghost in our Machines
Several readers sent me this link to an article about a stove that gets turned on when a nearby cellphone rings. On other sites on the 'net that ...
用户3671694 2011-4-5 19:40
Developing a good bedside manner
Why are debugging code and alien abduction so similar? Because in both cases large blocks of time are unaccounted for.   Medicine, too, rese ...
用户3671694 2011-4-4 11:51
Age Discrimination in Hiring
When I was a teenager my dad ran a help-wanted ad. He was trying to hire an engineer, and in the ad had placed the phrase "this is a great opportu ...
用户3671694 2011-4-3 11:49
Thanks for the memories
If each of our hands had eight fingers, we'd count in hexadecimal and non-geeks wouldn't puzzle over numbers that include the letters A through F. ...
用户3671694 2011-4-2 11:30
The Death of Software Engineering?
Alert reader Bob Paddock sent a link to Tom DeMarco's article in IEEE Software: "Software Engineering: An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone". Thou ...
用户3671694 2011-3-31 18:49
What makes embedded different?
Pediatricians treat children. Gerontologists work with the aging. Both practice medicine, but their skills are very different.   The mechani ...
用户3671694 2011-3-30 11:09
Securing Keys, DRAMs and Freeze-Mist
In one of the more interesting articles in the Communications of the ACM in recent years, Halderman and a cast of thousands write in the May, 2009 ...
用户3671694 2011-3-29 16:49
Forgettable Flash
How long will a flash device remember?   We all know about wearing flash out through excessive writes. Plenty of wear-leveling approaches ...
用户3671694 2011-3-26 18:21
According to an entry on Wikileaks and other sources, hackers broke into a database used by pharmacists in Virginia, US last April 2009. Eight mill ...
用户3671694 2011-3-25 15:45
Software Engineering versus "real" engineering
Are we engineers? In some states in the US that title is restricted to those who pass professional competency tests.   The New Oxford Americ ...
用户3671694 2011-3-24 18:03
Firmware Metrics
Last 2009, I gave a talk at the Embedded Systems Conference which covered, among other subjects, code inspections.   Inspections are sure to ...
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