Blackfin是AD公司很著名的DSP,这是在Blackfin5.3.5下的usb接口代码。 Windows_Unix,DSP编程/DSP program This zip file contains a USB Bulk transfer example that can be used as a reference to demonstrate a simple driver for the ADSP-BF535. It is provided for example purposes only.The folder "USB_BF535_VDSP" contains the VisualDSP++ 3.1 project which will run on the ADSP-BF535 processorThe folder "driver" contains the Windows 2000 driversThe folder "blk_BF535" contains the drivers (they are copied to the "driver" folder for simplicity) and test application. The test application "blk_BF535_test.exe" is found under …\blk_BF535\exe\Debug The test application is a loopback program that sends random amounts of random data randomly to the ADSP-BF535, reads it back, and verifies the data. Near full speed data rates were observed when large amounts of data were being sent ( ~9 Mbits/sec OUT and ~8 Mbits/sec IN). The data is written to the ADSP-BF535’s L2 memory, specifically to UsbDataBuffer. This test program needs to be invoked from a Command Prompt. To install the drivers:1. Run the VisualDSP code on the processor2. Attach the USB cable3. When Windows 2000 asks for the USB driver for the new found USB Device, point it to the folder “drivers”At this point the driver has been installed.To run the test application: 1. In VisualDSP++ 3.1 IDDE open a Blackfin memory window and right click on it to select “Go To” and select location labeled UsbDataBuffera. Select Run under Debug2. While the code is running open a Command Prompt windowa. In the Command Prompt window go to the location “C:\..\BF535 USB BULK\blk_BF535\exe\Debug” e.g., cd “C:\..\BF535 USB BULK\blk_BF535\exe\Debugb. Type “blk_BF535_test”. This will generate a random data pattern in the location UsbDataBuffer i. You may choose to clear or fill this memory region (UsbDataBuffer) to see it change when running the above test application. Note: The included drivers are for Windows 2000 only……