The PIC12CXXX family of devices adds a new twist to
the 8-bit microcontroller market by introducing for the
first time fully functional microcontrollers in an eight
pin package. These parts are not stripped down
versions of their larger brethren, they add features in a
package smaller than available ever before for
microcontrollers. Using the familiar 12-bit opcode
width of the PIC16C5X family with the same TMR0
module, Device Reset Timer, and WatchDog Timer
(WDT), the PIC12C5XX family adds an internal 4MHz
oscillator main clock, serial programming, wake-up on
change, user selectable weak pullups, and
multiplexing of the MCLR, T0CKI, OSC1, and OSC2
pins.M PICREF-4
PICDIM Lamp Dimmer for the PIC12C508
INTRODUCTION This combination of familiar and new features in a
compact package gives the designer unprecedented
The PIC12CXXX family of devices adds a new twist to exibility to produce designs which are much cheaper
the 8-bit microcontroller market by introducing for the and smaller than ever before possible, and allows the
rst time fully functional microcontrollers in an eight replacement of even mundane devices like timers and
pin package. These parts are not stripped down discrete compon……