LTC2704为多路高精度电压提供了一款高集成度解决方案,与采用DAC和放大器分开设计的方案相比,可节省设计时间、板面积和成本。Highly Integrated Quad 16-Bit, SoftSpan , Voltage Output DAC TM
for Industrial and Control Applications
Design Note 431
Mark Thoren
Introduction ing on the selected range. While this seems like a simple
Digital-to-analog converters (DACs) are prevalent in function to perform externally, implementing it inside
industrial control and automated test applications. the LTC2704 eliminates concerns about matching the
General-purpose automated test equipment often re- temperature coefcient of the external offsetting resistor
quires many channels of precisely controlled voltages to the internal resistors.
that span several voltage ranges. The LTC2704 is a Example Circuits
highly i……