LT3010小封装提供了高性能,可在以前需要预调整或复杂的开关电源应用的高压轨中实现低功率。低静态电流最小化功耗。内部保护电路省去了外部保护二极管。8引脚MSOP封装提供了低热阻,使其易于应用在恶劣的环境中。 advertisement
80V Linear Regulator is Micropower
Design Note 314
Todd Owen
Introduction running from a high voltage rail. The only external compo-
Industrial, automotive and telecom applications pose nents required are input and output bypass capacitors,
tough design challenges due to harsh operating environ- and the input bypass is not required if the device is located
ments and large voltage transients on already high (12V close enough to the main supply bypass capacitor. Inter-
to 48V) rails. Some switching power supplies are robust nal frequency compensation on the LT3010 stabilizes the
enough to provide localized low voltage/high cur……