稳定的设计、小封装和高集成度的LT3681是一款极佳的宽范围降压应用的解决方案,高输入电压范围、高电源转换能力和㦾良好的封装传导能力成就了这款多功能芯片。36V 2A Buck Regulator Integrates Power Schottky
Design Note 412
David Ng
Introduction A Small, Simple Solution
Everyone wants more power in less space. However, the The LT3681 integrates a wide input voltage range, high
task of designing a power supply is easy to describe but performance buck controller, power switch, high side
difcult to execute. How does a designer select an optimal bootstrapping boost diode and a power Schottky diode. All
set of components that yields the best possible power of these attributes are crammed into a tiny but thermally
supply in terms of size, cost and performance? Well, it efcient 14-pin 3mm × 4mm DFN package. So……