LTC3446封装了一个高效1A升压整流器和两个300mA VLDO整流器,输出电压范围VLDO最低可至0.4V,而升压整流器可低至0.8V。输入电压囊括了单节锂离子电池电压,最大可至5.5V,使其成为多电压、2V以下输出的理想解决方案。One IC Generates Three Sub-2V Power Rails from a Li-Ion Cell
Design Note 419
Frank Lee
Introduction plications, and for powering low voltage logic from 5V
Shrinking geometries in IC technology have pushed the or 3.3V rails. The output voltage range extends down
operating voltages of today’s electronics well below 2V, to 0.4V for the VLDO regulators and 0.8V for the buck
presenting a number of design challenges. One common converter.
problem is the need for multiple supply voltages: for Each output is independently enabled or shut down via
example, one voltage for a CPU core, another for I/O and……