LTC3555是一个单芯片的完整先进电源解决方案,带有发热量减少和电源充电时间的缩短的第三代电源管理技术使其是未来高密度、多功能电池供电产品的理想选择。通过集成了三个I2C控制的、高效的降压DC/DC转换器,达到灵活地适应需求和工作模式的变化。USB Power Solution Includes Switching Power Manager,
Battery Charger, Three Synchronous Buck Regulators and LDO
Design Note 420
Brian Shaffer
Introduction the DC/DC bucks for ultimate adaptability to changing
Linear Technology offers a variety of parts to simplify the operating modes in a wide range of applications.
task of extracting power from a battery or a USB cable. These Switching PowerPath Controller Maximizes
devices seamlessly manage the power ow between an Available Power to the System Load
AC adapter, USB cable and Li-Ion battery, all while main- The LTC3555 improves over earlier generations of USB
taining USB power specication compliance. As battery ……