尽管开关电源逐渐普及,但线性电源电路仍然广受欢迎。线性电源电路具有良好的噪声性能和漂移特性,而且没有辐射,响应速度快。而其最大的劣势是效率低。文中介绍了一些如何改进的措施。 Application Note 32
March 1989
High Efciency Linear Regulators
Jim Williams
Linear voltage regulators continue to enjoy widespread use switching supply output. Figure 1 shows such an arrange-
despite the increasing popularity of switching approaches. ment. The main output (“A”) is stabilized by feedback to
Linear regulators are easily implemented, and have much the switching regulator. Usually, this output supplies most
better noise and drift characteristics than switchers. Ad- of the power taken from the circuit. Because of this, the
ditionally, they do not r……