Analog output silicon temperature sensors offer an
easy-to-use alternative to traditional temperature sen-
sors, such as thermistors. The TC1047A offers many
system-level advantages, including the integration of
the temperature sensor and signal conditioning
circuitry on a single chip. Analog output sensors are
especially suited for embedded systems due to their
linear output. This application note will discuss system
integration, firmware implementation and PCB layout
techniques for using the TC1047A in an embedded
system. AN938
Interfacing a TC1047A Analog Output Temperature Sensor
to a PICmicro Microcontroller
Author: Jim Lepkowski and Steve Bible The firmware required to interface the TC1047A to a
Microchip Technology Inc. microcontroller will be demonstrated using the
PICkit 1 FLASH Starter Kit. The PICkit 1 FLASH
Starter Kit is a low-cost development kit with an easy-
INTRODUCTION to-use interface for programming Microchip’s 8-pin and