Long Capture Time At Maximum Sample Rate Yields Better Measurements LeCroy Application Brief No. LAB WS_207
Capture Time
Long Capture Time At Maximum Sample Rate Yields Better
Capture time, the usable signal
duration shown on an oscillo-
scope screen, is related to the
scope's maximum sampling rate
and the length of the acquisition
memory. LeCroy's WaveSurfer
oscilloscope has a 250 kpoint per
channel acquisition memory
which, in two channel mode,
provides 100 times the capture
time at its maximum sampling
rate compared to a similar scope
which only offers a 10 kpoint
memory. For example, Wave-
Surfer provides up to 200 s
capture at its maximum sampling
rate of 2 Gigasamples per sec-
ond(GS/s) compared with only a Figure 1 - A measurement of a 1 ms capture time sampled at 500MS/s using
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