Xcode_开发员入门导引[Enter Document Title]
Become an Xcoder
Xcode 开发员入门导引
作者/ Bert Altenburg, Alex Clarke, Philippe Mougin 翻译/ 刘珏
Become an Xcoder (Simple-Chinese Language Edition)
Copyright 2006 by Bert Altenburg, Alex Clarke and Philippe Mougin. Version 1.2.
Attribution: The licensors, Bert Altenburg, Alex Clarke and Philippe Mougin, permit others to copy, modify and distribute the work. In return, the licensees must give the original authors credit.
Non-commercial: The licensors permit others to copy, modify and distribute the work and use the work in paid-for and free courses. In return, licensees may not sell the work itself, although it may accompany other work that is sold.
作者 Bert Altenburg, Alex Clarke and Philippe Mougin 版权所有 2006 (版本 1.2) 作者 Bert Altenburg, Alex Clarke and Philipp……