MicTestUSB Microphones Inadequate Shielding Functional Test
REV: 001 Logitech Inc. Prepared: Hashmat Afzali 12/18/07
1.0 Objective 目的
The purpose of this document is to describe and setup a functional test for the USB microphones. The ideal reason for the test is to make sure that the functional test catches inadequate microphone shielding. 本文件描述的是如何建立一个 USB 麦克风的功能测试平台,以检测麦克风是否有 屏蔽不良的问题。
1.1 Inadequate shielding description 屏蔽不良的问题
Some USB microphones have shown a 50 to 60 Hz Ground noise coupling to the center conductor of the microphone cable. This noise is amplified on the input gain stage of the Micronas Codec and becomes audible. If the microphone cable is shielded then the noise coupling is reduced below audible range. 一些麦克风的电缆芯线上有从地线藕合进来的 50 到 60Hz 的噪音,这个噪音经输 入级放大而形成可听见的噪音……