Fully Integrated 60-GHz Single-Ended Resistive Mixer in 90-nm CMOS TechnologyIEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS, VOL. 16, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006
Fully Integrated 60-GHz Single-Ended Resistive Mixer in 90-nm CMOS Technology
Bahar M. Motlagh, Student Member, IEEE, Sten E. Gunnarsson, Mattias Ferndahl, and Herbert Zirath, Member, IEEE
Abstract―This letter presents the design and characterization of a fully integrated 60-GHz single-ended resistive mixer in a 90-nm CMOS technology. A conversion loss of 11.6 dB, 1-dB compression point of 6 dBm and IIP3 of 16.5 dBm were measured with a local oscillator (LO) power of 4 dBm and zero drain bias. The possibility of improvement in IIP3 with selective drain bias has been veried. A 3-dB improvement in IIP3 was obtained with 150-mV dc voltage applied at the drain. Microstrip transmission lines are used to realize ma……