01329672Effect of Conductive Material on Wearable Antenna Performance: A Case Study of WLAN Antennas
"'Pekka Salonen*, "'Yahya Rahmat-Samii, "'Heli Hurme, "'Markku Kivikoski pekka@ee.ucla.edu, rahmat@ee.ucla.edu, hhurme@ele.tut.fi, markku.kivikoski@tut.fi "'Electrical Engineering Department, University of Califomia at Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90095-1 594 '*'Tampere University of Technology, Institute of Electronics, P.O. Box 692 33101 Tampere, Finland
1. Introduction
Wearable antennas have recently received growing interest due to the introduction of personal communications technology [I] - [4]. In the future, e.g. clothing may have a variety of consumer electronics built into the clothing. In personal electronics antennas play a paramount role in an optimal design of the wearable or hand-held……