SPICE up the development of a step recovery diode frequencydiscrete components
SPICE up the development of a step recovery diode frequency multiplier
With the aid of one of the many versions of SPICE, the design of frequency multipliers using step recovery diodes is expedited and made more tractable.
By George H. Stauffer Jr.
If all of the charge is removed by a reverse current IR, then the diode changes almost instantaneously to its second state. In this high-impedance state, the diode looks like a small capacitor whose value is equal to the depletion layer capacitance of the junction. If a forward current flows for a time >> tand then a reverse current IR begins, then the time ts that elapses before all the charge is removed and the diode changes to its high impedance state is
I t s = τ ln1 + F IR
he step recovery diode (SRD) operates……