LNA设计-AgilentLow Noise Amplifiers for 5.125 - 5.325 GHz and 5.725 - 5.825 GHz Using the ATF-55143 Low Noise PHEMT
Application Note 1285
Description This paper describes two low noise amplifiers for use in the IEEE 802.11a, ETSI/BRAN HiperLAN/2 5GHz standards. The circuits are designed for use with multi-layer 0.031 inch thickness FR-4 printed circuit board material. The 5.125-5.325 amplifier make use of low cost, miniature, multilayer chip inductors for small size. The 5.725-5.825 amplifier make use of printed inductors for small size and low cost. When biased at a Vds of 2 volts and Ids of 15 mA, the ATF55143 amplifier will provide 10.0 to 11.0 dB gain, 1.2 dB noise figure and an output intercept point (IP3) of +24 to +27 dBm over the 5.1 - 5.8 GHz bandwidth. An active bias solution is discussed that……