A Ku-Band Balanced Amplifier Design Using Thin-Film Hybrid TechniqueA Ku-Band Balanced Amplifier Design Using Thin-Film Hybrid Technique
By Byung-Jun Jang, ETRI and Cha-Hong Min, Kospace
uring the past three decades, thin-film hybrid techniques have matured and have been applied to qualified military and satellite hardware in production. Thin-film hybrid microwave integrated circuits (MICs) have been used almost exclusively up to 20 GHz for space and military applications because they meet the requirements for shock, temperature conditions and severe vibration. In this article, the design of a onestage, balanced amplifier module using Fujitsu FHX35x HEMT chips is used to illustrate the availability of this thin-film hybrid technique. This module will be used for Ku-band satellite applications.
Because MIC design and fabrication are so inte……