Chapter7_mPower Divider and Directional Coupler
A 3-port or 4-port network for power dividing and combining.
3-port: T-junction. 4-port: directional couplers and hybrids.
Power dividers are often of equal power division. Directional couplers can be designed for arbitrary power division. Hybrid junctions usually have equal power division and a phase shift of 90o or 180o between the output ports.
Basic Properties T-Junction Power Divider Wilkinson Power Divider Quadrature (90o) Hybrid Ring Hybrid Coupled Line Directional Coupler Lange Coupler
Basic Properties
Three-port Networks (T-Junctions)
If the component is passive and contains no anisotropic materials
The network is reciprocal and [S] is symmetric (Sij = Sji).
A three-port lossless reciprocal……