Long-Range Ultra-Wideband Radio-Frequency IdentificationLong-Range Ultra-Wideband Radio-Frequency Identification
For more information contact Farid U. Dowla (925) 423-7579, dowla1@llnl.gov
adio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic identification technology, similar to barcode, but with the distinct advantage that it does not require line-ofsight operation ― it uses radio waves to communicate with the target tags. The key challenges in RFID technology are to assure connectivity to the tags, to determine accurate position, and to reliably communicate sensor status if needed, while reducing the costs of the infrastructure and tags. Since ultra-wideband (UWB) signals have been demonstrated to help in good connectivity and position fixing, in this project we explore the possibility of extending the use of UWB techniques to RFID.