915 MHz Microstrip Antenna915 MHz Microstrip Antenna by Kenneth A. O’Connor
Under the supervision of Dr. Tom Weller May 1, 2001
I would like to thank the following people for their help with this project: o Dr. Tom Weller o Christopher Trent o David Markell o Cheevin Chulikavit o Catherine Boosales o Richard Everly o John Capwell o Jeremy Schulte o Laura Karpalisto
A 915 MHz microstrip antenna will be designed, constructed, and measured/tested. The microstrip elements will be a quarter of a wavelength at the design frequency. Quarter-wave microstrip antenna theory will be discussed. The antenna will consist of two microstrip elements in a phased array. Antenna array theory will be touched upon with respect to beam steering. PCAAD 3.0 will be used to determine the inset feed length of a microstrip pat……