A reconfigurable RF power amplifier biasing schemeRegular Session I : H$h Frequency Circuits & Techniques
A Reconfigurable RF Power Amplifier Biasing Scheme
Nathalie Deltimple, Eric KerhervP, Y a m Deval and Pierre Jarry IXL Laboratory, CNRS UMR 5818, CNRS FR 2648, ENSEIRB - Bordeaux I University, 351 cours de la Liberation, 33405 Talence Cedex, France, e-mail: deltimole@ixl.fr.
Abstract- A reconfigurable power amplifier (PA) is studied in this paper, dedicated to multi-mode, multi-standard radio frequency front-end (RFFE), from a low cost approach. The reconfigurable amplifier topology is presented, made up of twostages independently controllable by the biasing scheme proposed -#hieh allows the dynamic modification of the quiescent current of the RF transistor, to adapt both its linearity and its output power in order to fulfill differ……