theory and design of electrical and electronic circuitsTHEORY AND DESIGN OF ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS
Theory and Design of Electrical and Electronic Circuits
Index Introduction Chap. 01 Generalities Chap. 02 Polarization of components Chap. 03 Dissipator of heat Chap. 04 Inductors of small value Chap. 05 Transformers of small value Chap. 06 Inductors and Transformers of great value Chap. 07 Power supply without stabilizing Chap. 08 Power supply stabilized Chap. 09 Amplification of Audiofrecuency in low level class A Chap. 10 Amplification of Audiofrecuenciy on high level classes A and B Chap. 11 Amplification of Radiofrecuency in low level class A Chap. 12 Amplification of Radiofrecuency in low level class C Chap. 13 Amplifiers of Continuous Chap. 14 Harmonic oscillators Chap. 15 Relaxation oscillators Chap. 16 Maker……