NorDig-Basic-Compliance-1NorDig Basic IRD specification, ver 1.0 Compliance list, version 1.0
Compliance list for:
NorDig Requirements
for profile
Basic TV
for Digital Integrated Receiver Decoders and relevant parts of Integrated Digital TV sets for use in cable, satellite, terrestrial and IP-based networks
This list indicates the requirement status (mandatory, optional or recommended of the various sections of the NorDig-Basic specification; the requirements are, however, given in the specification itself. This list contains in addition a column for the industry to state compliance or non-compliance to the requirements.
-2NorDig Basic IRD specification, ver 1.0 Compliance list, version 1.0
List of Compliance for NorDig-Basic (ver. 1.0).
1. Introduction The following list indicates the requirement status ……