Teletext 编程指导Detailed Design Teletext
Version: 1.3 Report No.: SDCE/IR02153
Philips Semiconductors Mainstream TV Solutions, The Netherlands
Keywords: Teletext
Number of pages: 10 Date: 2004-03-18
Philips Semiconductors
Teletext Internal report
Detailed Design
Purchase of Philips I C components conveys a 2 license under the I C patent to use the com2 ponents in the I C system, provided the system 2 conforms to the I C specifications defined by Philips.
Philips Electronics N.V. 2004 All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No lia……