GOTOP_GT-1108-UB7X_Datasheets SheetGT-1108-UB7X GPS Receiver Module General Description
The GT-1108-UB7X module series is a family of stand-alone GPS receivers featu ring the high performance u-blox 7 positio ning engine. These flexible and cost effec tive receivers offer numerous connectivity options in a miniature 11.4x8.8x2.0mm pa ckage. Their compact architecture and po wer and memory options make GT-1108UB7X modules ideal for battery operated mobile devices with very strict cost and s pace constraints. The 56-channel u-blox 7 positioning en gine boasts a Time-To-First-Fix (TTFF) of under 1 second. The dedicated acquisitio n engine, with over 1 million correlators, i s capable of massive parallel time/frequen cy space searches, enabling it to find sat ellites instantly. Innovative design and tec hnology suppresses jammi……