从opencores.org下的VGA控制器ipDetails Category: Video controllerLast updated: 16/5/2003Created: 25/9/2001Wishbone compliant core: YesStage: Production/StableMailing list: Cores Description The OpenCores VGA/LCD Controller core is a WISHBONE revB.3 compliant embedded VGA core capable of driving CRT and LCD displays. It supports user programmable resolutions and video timings, which are limited only by the available WISHBONE bandwidth. Making it compatible with almost all available LCD and CRT displays Features CRT and LCD display support 24bit Standard VGA interface Separate VSYNC/HSYNC and combined CSYNC synchronization signals Composite BLANK signal TripleDisplay support12bit Interface Compatible with DVI transmitters and 12bit VGA ADCs 4 different output modes Can be used simultaneous with the 24bit interfaceUser programmable video resolutions User programmable video timing User programmable video control signals polarization levels 32bpp, 24bpp and 16bpp color modes 8bit gray-scale and 8bit pseudo-color modes Supports video- and/or color-lookup-table bankswitching during vertical retrace 32bit WISHBONE revB.3 compliant slave and master interfaces Operates from a wide range of input clock frequencies Static synchronous design Fully synthesizeable See the on-line documentation (current revision 1.2) for more information.……