The PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 parts you have
received conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS39616), except for the anomalies described below.
Any Data Sheet Clarification issues related to the
PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 will be reported in a
separate Data Sheet errata. Please check the
Microchip web site for any existing issues.
All the issues listed here will be addressed in future
revisions of the PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 silicon.
The following silicon errata apply only to
PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 devices with these
Device/Revision IDs: PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431
PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 Rev. A2 Silicon Errata
The PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 parts you have 2. Module: In-Circuit Serial Programming
received conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet (ICSP)
(DS39616), except for the anomalies described below.
Any Data Sheet Clarification issues related to the A small number of parts may be difficult to program
PIC18F2331/2431/4331/4431 will be reported in a successfully at certain voltages using the MPLAB
separate Data Sheet errata. Please check the ICD 2.
Microchip web site for any existing issues. Work around
All the issues listed here will be addressed in future If such a part is enc……