The PIC18F24J10/25J10/44J10/45J10 Rev. A2 parts
you have received conform functionally to the Device
Data Sheet (DS39682A), except for the anomalies
described below. Any Data Sheet Clarification issues
related to the PIC18F24J10/25J10/44J10/45J10 will be
reported in a separate Data Sheet errata. Please check
the Microchip web site for any existing issues. PIC18F24J10/25J10/44J10/45J10
PIC18F24J10/25J10/44J10/45J10 Rev. A2 Silicon Errata
The PIC18F24J10/25J10/44J10/45J10 Rev. A2 parts 2. Module: EUSART
you have received conform functionally to the Device
Data Sheet (DS39682A), except for the anomalies In asynchronous duplex communication, the
described below. Any Data Sheet Clarification issues reception can get corrupted if any bit of the TXSTA
related to the PIC18F24J10/25J10/44J10/45J10 will be register is modified during a reception.
reported in a separate Data Sheet errata. Please check Work around
the Microchip web site for any existing issues.
The CSRC (TXSTA) bit should not be set.
The follo……