In the PIC24FJ64GA004 Family Device Data Sheet
(DS39881 C), the following clarifications and correc-
tions should be noted. Any silicon issues related to
these devices will be reported in a separate silicon
errata. Please check the Microchip web site for any
existing issues. PIC24FJ64GA004 FAMILY
PIC24FJ64GA004 Family Data Sheet Errata
In the PIC24FJ64GA004 Family Device Data Sheet 1. Module: Electrical Characteristics
(DS39881C), the following clarifications and correc-
tions should be noted. Any silicon issues related to In Section 26.1 “DC Characteristics”, the values
these devices will be reported in a separate silicon for parameters DC51b and DC51c (Idle Current)
errata. Please check the Microchip web site for any are reported incorrectly. The correct values are
existing issues. shown in the extract from Table 26-5 below