The PIC18C601/801 parts you have received conform
functionally to the Device Data Sheet (DS39541 A),
except for the anomalies described below.
All the problems listed here will be addressed in future
revisions of the PIC18C601/801 silicon.M PIC18C601/801
PIC18C601/801 Rev. B1 Silicon/Data Sheet Errata
The PIC18C601/801 parts you have received conform 3. Module: Core (DC Characteristics)
functionally to the Device Data Sheet (DS39541A),
except for the anomalies described below. The specification for the device Power-down
Current (parameter D020) has changed. The new
All the problems listed here will be addressed in future
maximum value is 50 A at 85°C.
revisions of the PIC18C601/801 silicon.
This new value applies to both standard and
1. Module: ……