The PIC16C717/770/771 parts you have received con-
form functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS41120 B), except for the anomalies described
All problems listed here will be addressed in future revi-
sions of the PIC16C717/770/771 silicon. PIC16C717/770/771
PIC16C717/770/771 Rev. C Silicon/Data Sheet Errata
The PIC16C717/770/771 parts you have received con- turned off. If an incoming pulse arrives while
form functionally to the Device Data Sheet Timer1 is being turned off (i.e., TMR1ON transi-
(DS41120B), except for the anomalies described tions from 1 to 0), the value of registers TMR1L
below. and TMR1H will be unpredictable.
All problems listed here will be addressed in future revi- Work around
sions of the PIC16C717/770/771 silicon. This solution involves changing Timer1 from Asyn-
1. Module: A/D Converter ……