In the Device Data Sheet (DS39755 B), the following
clarifications and corrections should be noted. Any sili-
con issues related to the PIC18F2423/2523/4423/4523
family of devices will be reported in a separate silicon
errata. Please check the Microchip web site for any
existing issues. PIC18F2423/2523/4423/4523
PIC18F2423/2523/4423/4523 Data Sheet Errata
In the Device Data Sheet (DS39755B), the following
clarifications and corrections should be noted. Any sili-
con issues related to the PIC18F2423/2523/4423/4523
family of devices will be reported in a separate silicon
errata. Please check the Microchip web site for any
existing issues.
1. Module: EUSART
Since the last revision of the Device Data Sheet,
the EUSART module of the PIC18F2423/2523/
4423/4523 family of devices has been revised to
add new functionality. These changes are:
The bit, BAUDCON, previously unimple-
mented, is now implemented with the name
RXDTP. Its function is to select the active
polarity of the RX/DT pin. ……