The PIC16C65 (Rev. A) parts you have received conform
functionally to the Device Data Sheet (DS30234
except for the anomalies described below.
All the problems listed here will be addressed in future
revisions of the PIC16C65 silicon. PIC16C65
PIC16C65 Rev. A Silicon Errata Sheet
The PIC16C65 (Rev. A) parts you have received conform
functionally to the Device Data Sheet (DS30234D),
except for the anomalies described below.
All the problems listed here will be addressed in future
revisions of the PIC16C65 silicon.
1. Module: USART
When the USART (SCI) is congured in asynchro-
nous mode with the BRGH bit set, a high number of
receive errors may be experienced. For asynchro-
nous receive operations it is recommended that the
USART be congured with the BRGH bit cleared.
Note: As with any windowed EPROM device, please cover the window at all times, except when erasing.
1998 Microchi……