The PIC12C5XX-parts conform functionally to the
PIC12C5XX Data Sheet (DS40139E), except for the
anomalies described below: PIC12C508A/509A
Errata Sheet for PIC12C508A/509A (Rev. A Silicon)
The PIC12C5XX-parts conform functionally to the Clarifications/Corrections to the Data Sheet:
PIC12C5XX Data Sheet (DS40139E), except for the
In the Device Data Sheet (DS40139E), the following clar-
anomalies described below:
ifications and corrections should be noted.
None Section 13: Corrections for the DC Characteristics, Sec-
tion 13.2, Section 13.3 and Section 13.4 are shown.
Corrections for the GPIO pull-up resistor ranges are