摘要:此LED驱动电路包括迟滞控制器U1 ( MAX16820的) ,相关功率元件和控制电路的基础上的四运放U2 ( LMX324 ) 。 U1驱动从24V源5个高亮度发光二极管,使用唯一的电感L1 , MOSFET Q1的,赶上二极管D1 。Maxim > App Notes > Display Drivers LED Lighting
Keywords: high-brightness LEDs, HBLEDs, hysteretic controllers, LED drivers, temperature-based current foldback Nov 19, 2010
DC Voltage Controls PWM Dimming of High-Brightness LEDs (HB
Abstract:This LED-driver circuit includes a hysteretic controller U1 (MAX16820), related power components, and a control circuit
based on the quad op amp U2 (LMX324). U1 drives five HB LEDs from a 24V source, using only inductor L1, MOSFET Q1, and
catch diode D1.
A similar version of this article appeared in the June 24, 2008 issue of Electronic Design magazine.
High-brightness LEDs (HB LEDs) are making inroads into the more traditional lighting that includes a DC distribution system (an
example is the 24V MR-16 track li……