这说明比较阴极射线管,电致发光,倒装点,白炽灯泡,液晶,发光二极管,聚合物发光二极管,有机发光二极管,辉光放电,等离子显示屏,真空荧光显示技术的优点和缺点。Maxim > App Notes > AUTOMOTIVE DISPLAY DRIVERS Keywords: LEDs, LCDs, VFDs, FIPs, CRT, CRTs, Flip Dot, OLEDs, PLEDs Sep 09, 2002 APPLICATION NOTE 1193 Electronic Displays Comparison Abstract: This note compares advantages and disadvantages of Cathode Ray Tubes, Electro-Luminescent, Flip- Dot, Incandescent Light Bulbs, Liquid Crystal, Light Emitting Diode, Organic LEDs, Polymer LEDs, Glow Discharge, Plasma Display Panels, and Vacuum Fluorescent Display technologies. This note compares the main electronic displays technologies in the table below. Each display type is described briefly, and the relative advantages and disadvantages are reviewed. Display Acronym Emissive Technology Advantages Disadvantage……