摘要: LED文字显示在通信状态信息或经营方向的产品用户是有价值的。然而, 7段LED显示器是不能够显示所有的字母。本应用笔记详细显示文字使用两种常见的正极,7段LED显示驱动电路。Maxim > Design support > App notes > Display Drivers > APP 1004
Keywords: LED, display, shutdown, mux, common cathode, LED driver
Mar 18, 2002
Multiplexing Shutdown Allows Text to be Displayed
By: Ted Salazar, Applications Engineering Manager
Abstract: An LED text display is valuable in communicating status information or operating directions to a product user. However, 7-
segment LED displays are not capable of displaying all the letters of the alphabet. This application note details a circuit that displays
text using two common-cathode, 7-segment, LED-display drivers.
Presenting numbers on a 7……