Compact 2, 3, 4-Ch LED Drivers with Phase Shift ControlCompact 2-3-4-Ch LED Drivers with Phase Shift Control
ISL97682, ISL97683, ISL97684 Features
The ISL97682, ISL97683, ISL97684 are Intersil’s highly ISL97682 - 2 x 100mA Channels
integrated 2-3-4-channels LED drivers that are suitable for ISL97683 - 3 x 50mA Channels
medium size TFT-LCD backlights. These parts can drive multiple
channels of LEDs from inputs as low as 4V to outputs of up to ISL97684 - 4 x 50mA Channels
45V. They can also operate from inputs as low as 3V to outputs of Input Voltage 4.0V~26.5V with Max VOUT of 45V
up to 26.5V in bootstrap configuration (see Figure 26 for 3V