摘要:电流检测放大器通常远高于地面操作,但故障条件下可以推动地面以下的感觉输入,绘制通过ESD保护二极管的电流过大损坏设备。该电路保护系列晶体管,每个输入连接PMOS管阻塞特定的高边电流检测放大器( MAX4080 ) 。Maxim > Design support > App notes > Amplifier and Comparator Circuits > APP 4837
Maxim > Design support > App notes > Circuit Protection > APP 4837
Keywords: current-sense amplifiers, negative fault voltage, ESD-protection diodes
Feb 09, 2011
Protect Current-Sense Amplifiers from Negative Overvoltage
By:Arpit Mehta, Strategic Applications Engineer
Prashanth Holenarsipur
Abstract:Current-sense amplifiers normally operate well above ground, but a fault condition can drive the sense inputs below
ground, damaging the device by drawing excessive current through the ESD-protection diodes. This circuit protects a particular high-
side current-sense……