摘要:本应用笔记介绍了用户如何提高超出单独使用库仑计数器的精度水平的锂离子电池组的剩余容量估计。它概括了Maxim电池监控IC的领会电池年龄的影响,以及应用程序的充放电率与燃油计量软件使用的方法,对锂离子电池的剩余容量。结果是成本低,但高度精确的电池电量计。这种电池的电量计方法可以适用于任何类型的锂离子电池和任何达拉斯半导体器件包含库仑计数器,如DS2438电池监视器。Maxim > App Notes > Battery Management
Keywords: battery fuel gauge, battery monitors, integrated circuits, ICs, coulomb counter, Li-Ion battery Mar 29, 2001
monitor, Lithium-Ion, Li-Ion battery fuel gauge, fuel gauge software, monitors
Lithium-Ion Cell Fuel Gauging with Maxim Battery Monitor ICs
Abstract: This application note describes to the user how to improve remaining capacity estimation for Li-ion
battery packs beyond the accuracy level of using a coulomb counter alone. It outlines a methodology using
Maxim battery monitor ICs along with fuel gauging software that comprehends the effects of battery cell age,
as well as the charge discharge rates of the application, on the remaining capacity of a Li-ion battery pack. The
result is a low-cost, but highly acc……