【应用笔记】借助Quartus II软件使用基于FPGA的Parallel Flash Loader(Using FPGA-Based Parallel Flash Loader with the Quartus II Software)
本应用笔记解释:在通过主动并行AP配置FPGA之前,对一个并行flash器件进行编程时,如何使用基于FPGA的并行闪存加载器(parallel flash loader,PFL)。
This application note explains the use of the FPGA-based parallel flash
loader (PFL) in programming a parallel flash device before configuring
an FPGA through the active parallel (AP) configuration scheme. Using FPGA-Based Parallel
Flash Loader with the
Quartus II Software
December 2007, ver. 1.0 Application Note 478
Introduction This application note explains the use of the FPGA-based parallel flash
loader (PFL) in programming a parallel flash device before configuring
an FPGA through the active parallel (AP) configuration scheme.
The AP configuration scheme configures Altera FPGAs using
industry-standard parallel flash devices. For high-density FPGAs, such ……